Although time is running out, you CAN still sign up for 2015 health insurance. Open enrollment ends on February 15, 2015. This means you can purchase a new individual or family health insurance plan — for any reason — until that date. Once open enrollment ends, however, you will not be able to purchase 2015 individual or family coverage unless you have a qualifying event. Get Covered Now! Having health
Can I Still Sign Up for 2015 Health Insurance?
Yes! Open enrollment for 2015 health insurance runs until February 15, 2015. This means you can purchase a new individual or family health insurance plan — for any reason — until that date. Once open enrollment ends, however, you will not be able to purchase 2015 individual or family coverage unless you have a qualifying event. Effective Dates for 2015 Health Insurance The date your 2015 coverage is effective depends
Buying 2015 Health Insurance – Exchange or No Exchange?
Open Enrollment for 2015 health insurance has begun! You may be wondering — EXCHANGE or NO EXCHANGE? Should you go through your state’s health insurance exchange (in Virginia, the federal marketplace) or purchase coverage directly from a carrier? The good news is, whichever route you choose, Virginia Medical Plans can help, as we are an authorized broker both on the exchange (in Virginia and DC), and off the exchange for
Enrolling in 2015 Health Insurance with Assurant Health
Instructions for Enrolling in a 2015 Off-Exchange Policy with Assurant Health If you have not yet purchased 2015 health insurance, we can help! We are excited that Assurant Health is offering a national PPO network option for 2015. This means access to in-network care, nationwide. Assurant is offering nationwide access through Aetna’s national PPO network. If you are ready to enroll in an off-exchange plan with Assurant Health, click here
Enrolling in 2015 Health Insurance with Aetna Virginia
Instructions for Enrolling in a 2015 Off-Exchange Policy with Aetna Virginia If you have not yet purchased 2015 health insurance, there is still time and we can help! If you live in Northern Virginia — Alexandria City, Arlington County, Fairfax County, Fairfax City, Falls Church City, and Loudoun County — click here. If you live elsewhere in Virginia and would like to enroll in an off-exchange policy with Aetna Virginia
I Can’t Afford Health Insurance
So You Think You Can’t Afford Health Insurance? Don’t be so sure. If you have searched for health insurance and believe it is too expensive, please let us help you find a solution that meets your needs and fits your budget. You Can’t Afford NOT to Have Health Insurance! The worst thing you could do is remain uninsured or not renew your coverage because the premiums feel out of reach.
Enrolling in 2015 Innovation Health Insurance
Instructions for Enrolling in a 2015 Off-Exchange Policy with Innovation Health/Aetna Northern Virginia If you have not yet purchased 2015 health insurance, there is still time and we can help! If you live in Northern Virginia — Alexandria City, Arlington County, Fairfax County, Fairfax City, Falls Church City, and Loudoun County — and you would like to enroll in an off-exchange policy with Innovation Health / Aetna Northern Virginia, you
Understanding Health Insurance
How Well do You Understand Health Insurance? A recent study evaluated how well Americans think they understand health insurance vs. how well they actually understand health insurance. It turns out that although about three-quarters of people surveyed believe they know how to use their health insurance, only about 20 percent could correctly calculate the amount they would owe for a doctor’s visit. In addition, many did not understand key terms
Am I Eligible for a Health Insurance Subsidy in 2015?
Eligibility for a subsidy on your health insurance is determined based upon your household income level and the number of people in your household. The eligibility numbers have been adjusted for 2015 coverage. Here is the most recent data: (Click here or on the image to view larger.) Source: Virginia Medical Plans Can Help Give us a call at 1-800-867-0800 or send us an email at We can
What Are Key Dates for 2015 Health Insurance?
If you purchase health insurance for yourself or your family (vs. getting coverage through your employer), it will soon be time to begin thinking about your 2015 coverage. Here are some dates to keep in mind: November 15, 2014. The start of Open Enrollment for 2015 health insurance. Open Enrollment is the time when you can apply for new health insurance coverage, or, if you already have coverage, you can