Open Enrollment for 2015 health insurance has begun! You may be wondering — EXCHANGE or NO EXCHANGE?

Exchange or No Exchange?
Should you go through your state’s health insurance exchange (in Virginia, the federal marketplace) or purchase coverage directly from a carrier?
The good news is, whichever route you choose, Virginia Medical Plans can help, as we are an authorized broker both on the exchange (in Virginia and DC), and off the exchange for all major carriers (in Virginia, Maryland, and DC).
Expedited Exchange Enrollment for Virginia Residents
NEW this year, we are excited to offer free expedited enrollment for Virginia residents who qualify for a subsidy (see chart below). Click here and enter your zip code to get started. You won’t believe how easy it is!
Why Buy Coverage on the Exchange?
The single most important reason to purchase your health insurance on the Exchange is that it is the only way to collect a subsidy to help pay for coverage.
Eligibility for a subsidy is based upon household income as follows:
# People in Your Household |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
You may qualify for a 2015 premium subsidy if your yearly household income is between … |
$11,670 -$46,680 |
$15,730 – $62,920 |
$19,790 -$79,160 |
$23,850 – $95,400 |
$27,910 – $111,640 |
$31,970 – $127,880 |
If you are eligible for a subsidy, you must purchase coverage on your state’s exchange:
VIRGINIA RESIDENTS – skip the wait on and use our free expedited online enrollment. Click here and enter your zip code to get started.
DC RESIDENTS – visit Once you have created an account enter our reference number – 5376842 when asked to “select the trained expert assisting you.”
MARYLAND RESIDENTS – visit (at this time we are not working with the Maryland exchange).
Why Buy Coverage OFF the Exchange?
If you are not eligible for a subsidy, then we always recommend you consider plans offered off-exchange. Why?
Wider Provider Networks:
Wider networks mean access to more doctors, pharmacies, hospitals, etc. when you need care. We even have found cases where the same carrier offers plans both on and off the exchange, and the off-exchange plans have different networks than the exchange plans. One of the primary carriers in Virginia, for example, has a significantly reduced network of hospitals on the exchange version of its plans.
More and Better Options in terms of deductibles, co-pays, coverage, etc:
Although all plans — sold either on- or off-exchange — will cap 2015 out-of-pocket spending at $6,600 for an individual and $13,200 for a family, the more flexible the options, the better the selection in terms of finding the right balance for your particular needs, wishes, and budget. For example, if you would have trouble paying a high monthly premium, you may be better off with a plan that has a higher deductible. More options off-exchange mean a better likelihood we can find the right plan for you. Click here for more information.
Avoid a Gap in Coverage
If you were covered on an individual plan (vs. coverage you got through your employer) in 2014, your coverage will expire on December 31, 2014.
In order to avoid a gap in coverage, you must purchase a new plan by December 15, 2014 to have new coverage in place on January 1, 2015.
As you can imagine, in these early weeks of Open Enrollment, we are experiencing an extraordinarily high volume of calls and emails. But we want to help! You can get started right away by clicking on one of the links below.
For exchange coverage in VA, apply instantly:
For off-exchange coverage in VA, MD, or DC, get instant quotes:
To apply with the carrier of your choice, access our Quick Guide to choosing 2015 health insurance and follow the links within.
The best way to reach us during the busy Open Enrollment season is by phone: 1-888-396-2341.
Thank you for your patience as we work diligently to respond to every call.