Kevin Counihan, the new CEO of the Federal Health Insurance Marketplace (aka the Exchange or “”), is predicting a much smoother roll-out of the ill-fated website than we saw last year. Should we be hopeful? Maybe. After all, Counihan was formerly in charge of Connecticut’s state-run health insurance exchange — one of the more successful exchanges out there. And he is touting the new and improved as being so
What Are Key Dates for 2015 Health Insurance?
If you purchase health insurance for yourself or your family (vs. getting coverage through your employer), it will soon be time to begin thinking about your 2015 coverage. Here are some dates to keep in mind: November 15, 2014. The start of Open Enrollment for 2015 health insurance. Open Enrollment is the time when you can apply for new health insurance coverage, or, if you already have coverage, you can