Open Enrollment for 2015 health insurance has begun! You may be wondering — EXCHANGE or NO EXCHANGE? Should you go through your state’s health insurance exchange (in Virginia, the federal marketplace) or purchase coverage directly from a carrier? The good news is, whichever route you choose, Virginia Medical Plans can help, as we are an authorized broker both on the exchange (in Virginia and DC), and off the exchange for
Buying Health Insurance — Exchange or No Exchange?
We have entered the final weeks of Open Enrollment for 2014 health insurance. As such, many individuals are scrambling to meet the March 31 deadline to purchase 2014 coverage. If you are one of them, you may be wondering — EXCHANGE or NO EXCHANGE? Should you go through your state’s health insurance exchange (in Virginia, the federal marketplace, or or should you purchase coverage directly from a carrier? The
Exchange Application Checklist
If you need help paying for health insurance, you may be able to get assistance by way of a subsidy. Click here to find out if you may qualify. If you are eligible, you must apply for and enroll in health insurance through the Exchange (also known as the Marketplace) in order to collect the subsidy. Virginia residents will use the Federal Health Insurance Exchange — online at Here
Getting Help from a Broker on
Remember, the price you pay for health insurance already includes help from a broker! You pay the same price whether you enroll through a broker, a carrier, or directly on So, why not take advantage of the help a broker can offer! So that we can assist you in the future with coverage questions, billing issues, or claims concerns, please make sure to add our broker information on the