If you need help paying for health insurance, you may be able to get assistance by way of a subsidy. Click here to find out if you may qualify.
If you are eligible, you must apply for and enroll in health insurance through the Exchange (also known as the Marketplace) in order to collect the subsidy.
Virginia residents will use the Federal Health Insurance Exchange — online at healthcare.gov.
Here is a checklist of information you should have available before you begin your application:
- Social Security numbers for everyone in your household (document numbers for legal immigrants).
- Employer and Income information for everyone in your household who needs health insurance. For example, pay stubs or W-2 statements.
- Policy Numbers for any current health insurance plans covering members of your household.
- A completed Employer Coverage Tool for every job-based plan you or someone in your household is eligible for — even if you are eligible but don’t take the coverage, you must complete the form.
- Our Agent Information:
- First name: Jonathan
- Last name: Katz
- NPN Number: 1585616
Remember, the last day to enroll in 2014 coverage is March 31, 2014.
Enroll by March 15 for coverage effective April 1, 2014.
Enroll between March 16 and March 31 for coverage effective May 1, 2014.
Click here for detailed, step-by-step instructions on using healthcare.gov.
Contact our office today to get started. We can help you with plans either on or off of the exchange.
Please be patient as we manage a high volume of calls and emails.