This week’s big news surrounding the Affordable Care Act was the Obama administration’s announcement of a partial extension to the March 31 deadline for enrolling in 2014 health insurance. Another extension? Sort of. Before you believe you now have longer to enroll, remember it is a partial extension. And in fact, the administration is careful to call it a special enrollment period rather than an extension. Who Can Enroll in
Extended Deadline for Health Coverage – What Does it Mean?
The Affordable Care Act (ACA — otherwise known as “Obamacare”) has been front-and-center in the news this month, first for its role in the recent record-long, 16-day shutdown of the US government, and now for the technical glitches that have plagued the online federal health insurance exchange since it opened on October 1. This week the Obama administration announced a 6-week extension of the deadline for signing up for health