This week’s big news surrounding the Affordable Care Act was the Obama administration’s announcement of a partial extension to the March 31 deadline for enrolling in 2014 health insurance.
Another extension? Sort of. Before you believe you now have longer to enroll, remember it is a partial extension. And in fact, the administration is careful to call it a special enrollment period rather than an extension.
Who Can Enroll in 2014 Health Insurance After the March 31 Deadline?
The special enrollment period applies only to people who started an application through the federal health insurance exchange prior to the March 31 deadline, but were unable to complete the application process before midnight on that date. It applies to applications started on paper, by phone, or online at
By checking a blue box on, anyone who has already “gotten in line” by March 31 will be able to request a little more time — until mid-April — to complete the process. The extra time is being granted to accommodate those applications delayed by technical glitches and/or a complex family situation.
IMPORTANT: If you are not purchasing health insurance through the federal exchange, there is no extension and the deadline remains March 31.
Virginia Medical Plans Can Help
If you have not yet gotten health insurance — through the exchange or off the exchange — we urge you to act quickly. Do not delay!
Contact us via phone (1-800-867-0800) or email (, or use the button to get started right away.
Please note if you are purchasing health insurance through the exchange, be sure to enter our information (below) so that we can assist you now and for the life of your policy. There is no charge to you for using our services!
- First name: Jonathan
- Last name: Katz
- NPN Number: 1585616
Thank you for your patience as we manage a high volume of calls and emails.