Open Enrollment for 2016 coverage is November 1, 2015 – January 31, 2016.
Open Enrollment is a set time period each year during which anyone can buy a new health insurance plan for any reason.
If you enroll during Open Enrollment, you cannot be denied coverage.
If you are currently uninsured, this is your chance to get coverage for 2016 and avoid a penalty tax for being uninsured.
If you are currently covered under an individual/family health plan (vs. having coverage through your employer), you can expect to hear from your health insurance carrier sometime in October with news about any changes the company will make to your plan and/or pricing for 2016.
If you are comfortable with your carrier’s offering for 2016, you won’t need to do anything.
Simply continue to pay your premiums on time* and your coverage will renew (or the new plan that’s been selected for you will start) effective January 1, 2016.
However, if you’re not satisfied with what’s being offered, or if you’re curious about what else may be available, we’ve made it easy to research your options.
Will You Qualify for a Subsidy in 2016?
Whether you need new coverage or want to switch plans in 2016, first find out if you will qualify for a subsidy based on your projected 2016 income:
# People in Your Household | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
You may qualify for a premium subsidy if your yearly income is between …. | $11,770 -$47,080 | $15,930 - $63,720 | $20,090 -$80,360 | $24,250 - $97,000 | $28,410 - $113,640 | $32,570 - $130,280 |
You may qualify for a premium subsidy AND lower out-of-pocket if your yearly income is between… | $11,770 - $29,425 | $15,930- $39,825 | $20,090 - $50,225 | $24,250 - $60,625 | $28,410 - $71,025 | $32,570 - $81,425 |
Browse 2016 Health Plans
If you do qualify and you live in Virginia, visit www.enrollvirginianow.com to take a preliminary look at available “on-exchange” plans. This is Virginia Medical Plans’ exclusive portal into the federal exchange that expedites enrollment — just for our Virginia clients.
If you don’t qualify, you’ll want to purchase coverage directly from the carrier of your choice. We offer convenient one-stop access to preview and enroll in “off-exchange” plans in Virginia and Maryland, as well as all plans in DC. Click here. We’ll send you updated pricing as it becomes available.
Open Enrollment Starts November 1
The first day you can enroll in a 2016 plan is November 1, 2015. But we expect the carriers to update our websites with 2016 plans and pricing in mid-October.
We are available to help you sort through your options so you’re ready to go when Nov 1 comes around.
We work with all the major carriers in Virginia — both on- and off-exchange — and can advise you of the best plan for your needs. We also work with off-exchange plans in Maryland, as well as exchange plans in DC (Carefirst and Kaiser Permanente).
Best of all, there is never a fee for our services! Your premium will be the same no matter how or where you buy your coverage.
But when you work with Virginia Medical Plans, you have access to our assistance now and for the life of your policy!
We are standing by to take your call at 703-707-8270.
*Some carriers require you to notify them if you plan to continue paying premiums via bank draft when selecting a new plan for 2016. Please check with your carrier.