Under the provisions of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), some Americans will be eligible for a subsidy to purchase health insurance through their state’s exchange (or the federal exchange for states like Virginia who have chosen not to run their own exchange).
Eligibility for the subsidy is determined in part by household income, relative to the Federal Poverty Level. Click here for details.
Some are wondering, however, how to calculate their income to determine their eligibility.
You will need to determine your Modified Adjusted Gross Income (MAGI). Click here for instructions on how to calculate MAGI.
Purchase Health Insurance on Your State’s Exchange
Remember, if you think you may be eligible for a subsidy, you must purchase your health insurance through the appropriate exchange. Virginia Medical Plans is licensed in Virginia, Maryland, and DC. And we are certified to work on the exchanges in all three jurisdictions.
Click here for detailed information on how to access your exchange, along with information on how to ensure you can continue to receive our assistance throughout the life of your policy.
Contact us so we can help you choose the best health insurance to meet your needs — on or off the exchange.
Please be patient as we manage a high volume of calls and emails.