Click the picture to access Kaiser Family Foundation’s health insurance premium and subsidy calculator.
With the Affordable Care Act (aka Obamacare) front-and-center in the news these days, people naturally want to know how much it will cost them when health insurance becomes mandatory on January 1, 2014.
The health insurance exchanges (or “marketplaces”) are slated to open on October 1, 2013 for plans with an effective date of January 1, 2014.
Until exact figures are released, the Kaiser Family Foundation has a great tool for estimating health insurance premiums and subsidies for plans purchased on the health insurance exchanges.
Give it a try. And then give us a call so we can help you find the best plan for you!
Does the Affordable Care Act have any effect on “Medigap” policies? My wife & I have pre-existing conditions and have been stuck with a very expensive medigap policy (@$600/mo). Will we be able to shop the exchanges for a better deal or are medigap policies not addressed in the legislation?
Thanks for the question Bob. The Affordable Care Act does not effect medigap policies. You may want to consider other options such as a medicare advantage plan. The links below provide additional information.