If you answered yes to the question above, then you’re not alone. The buzz in the news is that individuals, small business owners, lawmakers, and insurance companies themselves are all concerned — and unsure — about how the provisions of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) will possibly be implemented by the first of the year.
There is talk of…
initiating summer campaigns — both from the government and from insurers — to educate the public. (Politico)
staffing call centers with thousands of workers on hand to answer questions as people begin to use the exchanges in some states. (Kaiser Health News)
law suits arguing that “the government subsidies designed to help individuals buy health plans as of 2014 should not, under the strict language of the Affordable Care Act, be offered in states that decided to let the federal government set up their respective market places, or ‘exchanges’.” (Washington Times)
states that are fearful of the impact of ACA on their budgets. (AP News)
No wonder people are feeling confused and overwhelmed!
As all of this continues to unfold, working with someone you know and trust is more important than ever. Call Virginia Medical Plans. We will help you navigate these uncertainties.