March 31 has come and gone. And with it has come the end of open enrollment for 2014 health insurance plans. Unless you had already begun an application on or before that date through (the federal health insurance exchange used by Virginia residents), March 31 was the last day you could purchase non-group health insurance coverage during 2014 open enrollment. However, there may still be an opportunity to purchase
Pre-Existing Conditions – Five Things You Need to Know
Here are 5 things you need to know about pre-existing conditions under the new health care law (aka Affordable Care Act), for plans effective beginning January 1, 2014: 1. You cannot be denied insurance because of pre-existing conditions All new health plans will be guaranteed issue. This means health insurance can be purchased by anyone, regardless of health status. 2. You cannot be charged a higher premium if you have
Virginia Medical Plans — Keeping a Watchful Eye on Unfolding Health Reform
One of the provisions of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) is for Americans to be able to obtain health insurance regardless of pre-existing medical conditions. However, when ACA was signed into law in March of 2010, it was still nearly four years (until January of 2014) until insurance companies would be required to cover people with pre-existing conditions. As a transition for affected individuals who had been uninsured for at