Have you started thinking about filing your 2014 taxes? April 15 may be a few months away, but this year — the first year the Affordable Care Act (ACA) is in effect — filing taxes will be more complicated for millions of Americans. That’s because certain provisions of the new law — namely, penalties and subsidies — will be reconciled at tax time. If you got health insurance through your
Beat the March 31 Deadline for Health Insurance
You have until midnight on March 31, 2014* to beat the deadline for enrolling in 2014 health insurance coverage. *A qualifying event will allow you to enroll after March 31 Applying for Coverage Without a Subsidy If you are not eligible for a subsidy (click here to find out), you can enroll quickly and easily by filing an application directly with the carrier of your choice: CareFirst BC/BS Anthem BC/BS
Important Deadlines for Health Insurance
Last Date to Purchase Health Insurance for 2014 Do you know the last day you can purchase health insurance for 2014 and avoid a penalty under the Affordable Care Act (ACA)? The answer is March 31, 2014* *A qualifying event like a change in marital or employment status, birth or adoption of a child, etc. will allow you to obtain 2014 coverage outside of the open enrollment period which ends