So You Think You Can’t Afford Health Insurance? Don’t be so sure. If you have searched for health insurance and believe it is too expensive, please let us help you find a solution that meets your needs and fits your budget. You Can’t Afford NOT to Have Health Insurance! The worst thing you could do is remain uninsured or not renew your coverage because the premiums feel out of reach.
Am I Eligible for a Health Insurance Subsidy in 2015?
Eligibility for a subsidy on your health insurance is determined based upon your household income level and the number of people in your household. The eligibility numbers have been adjusted for 2015 coverage. Here is the most recent data: (Click here or on the image to view larger.) Source: Virginia Medical Plans Can Help Give us a call at 1-800-867-0800 or send us an email at We can
I Can’t Afford Health Insurance in 2014
What Should You Do if You Think You Can’t Afford Health Insurance in 2014? If you have searched for health insurance and believe it is too expensive, please let us help you find a solution that meets your needs and fits your budget. The worst thing you could do is remain uninsured because the premiums feel out of reach. We can often find a plan that fits into your budget
How to Apply for Insurance on
⇒NOTE: This post is about applying for 2014 coverage. For information about applying for 2015 coverage, click here. If you live in Virginia and are eligible for a health insurance subsidy, you must purchase your coverage on the federal health insurance marketplace in order to receive the subsidy. Not sure if you are eligible? Use this chart to find out. You may qualify for a subsidy if, based on the