It’s all over the news this week. Millions of individual health insurance policies are being canceled. Here at Virginia Medical Plans, we have known this was coming for months. In fact, back in June we wrote about it right here. Since then, we have assisted literally hundreds of clients with their decision about coverage in 2014. Here are some of the questions we are hearing, along with the answers: Why
CareFirst Blue Cross Blue Shield Option to Re-Enroll
If you are currently covered by an individual CareFirst Blue Cross Blue Shield health insurance policy (vs. one you get through your employer) that you purchased or after March 23, 2010, we have some critical — and time sensitive* — information for you. (Update October 31, 2013 – deadline to re-enroll has been extended to November 22, 2013) CareFirst policyholders either already have received or will receive soon a letter from