Eligibility for a subsidy on your health insurance is determined based upon your household income level and the number of people in your household. The eligibility numbers have been adjusted for 2015 coverage. Here is the most recent data: (Click here or on the image to view larger.) Source: healthcare.gov Virginia Medical Plans Can Help Give us a call at 1-800-867-0800 or send us an email at jkatz@vamedicalplans.com. We can
Understanding Halbig v. Burwell – Can I Still Collect a Health Insurance Subsidy?
We recently learned the outcome of an important legal case with potential implications for health insurance reform. At issue in Halbig v. Burwell was whether or not the language in the Affordable Care Act (in the law itself) gives the IRS and the federal health insurance exchange the authority to distribute premium tax credits to individual policyholders. The argument is that the law states subsidies are available for policies purchased
How Do Premium Tax Credits Work if My Reported Income is Inaccurate?
For many people — for example, the self-employed, seasonal workers, or those with multiple jobs — income fluctuates throughout the year, and also from year to year. Or maybe you got a promotion or raise, took on another job, or lost work. These are other examples of when your income will not be the same as you anticipated. Having an uneven income can make it difficult to accurately report your