Open Enrollment is a set time period each year during which anyone can buy a new health insurance plan for any reason. You cannot be denied coverage during Open Enrollment. Open Enrollment for 2016 health coverage is November 1, 2015 – January 31, 2016. 2016 Open Enrollment is Here If you are uninsured, Open Enrollment is your chance to get coverage for 2016 and avoid a penalty tax. If you
Am I Eligible for a Health Insurance Subsidy in 2016?
Eligibility for a subsidy on your health insurance is determined based upon your household income level and the number of people in your household. The income levels are tied to the Federal Poverty Level and are adjusted each year. For 2016 coverage, here are the income limits: Subsidy Eligibility for 2016 Health Insurance Source: Federal Poverty Level Guidelines Virginia Medical Plans Can Help We can tell you if you will