Jonathan Katz
Maryland Health Connection
Consumer Assistance ID#: 9000116389
The state of Maryland is running its own health insurance exchange — officially called Maryland Health Connection. Maryland residents who are eligible for a subsidy MUST buy their insurance on the MD exchange in order to get the subsidy. Other Maryland residents may wish to shop on the exchange as well.
Jonathan Katz is an authorized broker with Maryland Health Connection, and therefore, is available to assist all of our Maryland customers with their health insurance purchase decisions — on or off the exchange.
Having Jon’s assistance with your purchase means you get the benefit of his 20+ years of experience to guide you through the decision-making process, AND you get his service throughout the life of your policy. The best part is it costs you nothing extra!
When you work with Jon to find a policy on the Maryland exchange, we will ask you to complete a consent form that we are required to keep in our files. We also have been issued a Consumer Assistance Reference ID# that should be entered into your Maryland Health Connection account. Jonathan Katz’s ID# = 9000116389. Click here for instructions on how to enter the ID#.
Please give us a call if you are considering shopping for insurance on the Maryland exchange. We are here to help!
Having the following information available will be helpful:
- Social security numbers and dates of birth for those in your household needing insurance
- Employer and income information for everyone in your family (e.g., W-2’s or wage statements)
- Information about any job-related health insurance available to your family
- Completed Maryland Health Connection Consent Form for our files (email, fax or mail to us)