Yes*. Just because you are eligible for coverage through your employer does not mean you cannot stay on your parent’s health insurance plan — that is, of course, if you are age 26 or younger. If your parent’s plan seems like a better fit for your family’s budget, lifestyle, or health care needs, staying on your parent’s plan may be the best option for you! *Note, the only exception would
Can I Live in a Different State than my Parents and Still be Covered on Their Health Insurance?
Yes, you can live in a different state and still be covered on your parent’s health plan up until age 26. However, keep in mind most health insurance plans distinguish between in-network and out-of-network care. If you live in another state, you may not be able to easily access in-network providers for your medical care. Out-of-network care is typically much more expensive than in-network care, often with its own separate