Fact #1 Open Enrollment for 2015 individual health insurance plans begins November 15, 2014. Fact #2: You may apply for coverage outside the dates of Open Enrollment if you have a qualifying event. Fact #3: All individual and small group health insurance plans effective on or after January 1, 2014 must include coverage for 10 essential health benefits — things like preventive care, well visits to the doctor, hospitalization, etc.
Impact of Obamacare on the Individual and Small Group Health Insurance Markets
Everywhere you turn these days, the Affordable Care Act (ACA) — otherwise known as “Obamacare” — is in the news. From last month’s government shutdown, to the glitchy launch of healthcare.gov, to the results of last week’s elections, and now to President Obama’s recent apology for millions of policy cancellations despite his earlier statement that we’d all be able to keep our health insurance, the news can be contradictory, confusing,
Health Insurance Premiums Under Affordable Care Act
How will health insurance premiums be calculated in 2014, under Affordable Care Act (ACA)? A policy’s premium is the monthly fee paid to the insurance carrier for health insurance coverage. In pre-ACA policies, insurance carriers can charge differing premiums based upon many factors including, most notably, a person’s age and current health status. Today, the premium paid by someone with a medical condition is typically much higher than that of
How Much Will Health Insurance Cost Me in 2014?
With the Affordable Care Act (aka Obamacare) front-and-center in the news these days, people naturally want to know how much it will cost them when health insurance becomes mandatory on January 1, 2014. The health insurance exchanges (or “marketplaces”) are slated to open on October 1, 2013 for plans with an effective date of January 1, 2014. Until exact figures are released, the Kaiser Family Foundation has a great tool
Understanding Health Insurance Premiums
States are beginning to release premium rates for policies that will be sold on their health insurance exchanges beginning on October 1. The news can be confusing, however, and subject to interpretation — and “spin”. On a single day in July, for example, the Washington Post ran this headline: “Maryland Issues Insurance Rates That Are Among the Lowest in U.S.” On the same day, the Baltimore Sun ran this: “Premiums
Health Insurance Glossary
Shopping for health insurance? Deciphering the costs and provisions of the various plans out there can be very confusing. Here are some key terms that will help — whether you’re selecting a new plan or just trying to figure out your existing one. Quick-Reference Guide to Health Insurance Terms Allowed Amount – (also known as eligible expense, payment allowance, or negotiated rate) Your health insurance company has negotiated a pre-agreed
Estimating Your Premiums and Possible Tax Credits in 2014
Wondering how much health insurance will cost you in 2014, when the next phase of the Affordable Care Act goes into effect? Curious about your eligibility for tax credits? Check out this quick and easy calculator. Give us a call if we can be of assistance!